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Hello Cher lecteur,
Aimerais-tu écrire en anglais? La question du jour
en anglais, ainsi que ma réponse.
Salut fabien,
Thanks a lot for your precious advice, they are very helpful!
I would like to know how to start to write in English, that's my trouble in English!
See u
Hey there Kamel!
Well... Obviously enough, you've already started writing in English, haven't you? I mean, your letter WAS in English, wasn't it ;)
The best place to start writing, in my humble opinion, is the Internet. Follow those steps:
1) Find a topic you simply LOVE to talk about. (This can be anything... if you don't know the name of it in English, simply look for it.)
2) Find bulletin BOARDS (you know... forums ; but, of course, they have to be in English! ;)) ABOUT that topic... and start reading about it there and participating in it. Just mention somewhere that you're French and people will be cool if they find a couple of mistakes. (Most of the time, English-speakers will say "Your English is way better than my French!", which is cool.).
3) Along the way... Start using IM (Instant Messaging... AOL, MSN, ICQ, etc.) with American, British, Australian (you name it)... people. Make friends with them and get in the habit of chatting with them.
All of the above will keep you doing something you love and will give you the
time needed to write properly (at first slowly and then faster and faster). Plus, you'll get instant, or almost instant, feedback... which is much more fun than waiting for days to get an answer to a mail.
Oh!... Of course, if you want much more details about this practice (and many others) be sure to check my ebook. Chapter 3 is about using the Internet to save time and chapter 4 is about making friends from abroad using the above
technique (with more detail of course). You can get your copy right here:
Enjoy yourself and let me know how it all works out for you :)