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On dirait que les verbes irréguliers nous ont manqué !… ;-) Après avoir vu la liste des principaux verbes irréguliers anglais et comment apprendre les verbes irréguliers, voyons maintenant la liste complète de tous les verbes irréguliers en anglais !

Il reste, en effet, encore quelques verbes irréguliers anglais qui valent le détour.

Liste de tous les verbes irréguliers en anglais

Quand y en a plus, et ben y en a encore !

Voici donc la liste complète des verbes irréguliers en anglais, avec exemples et triée par ordre alphabétique. Bien sûr, vous retrouverez les 60 verbes courants que vous avez rencontrés plus tôt, plus de nouveaux verbes tout frais.

Verbes irréguliers en A et B

Base verbale Prétérit Participe Passé
AWAKE /əˈweɪk/ (être réveillé)
I heard some sound. He must be awake then.
AWOKE /ə·ˈwoʊk/
He was gone from our bed when I awoke.
AWOKEN /ə·ˈwoʊk·ən/
The bald man had awoken with fever.
BE /bi/ (être)
I think, therefore I am.
WAS /wɑz/ WERE /wɚ/
I was poor, you were rich.
BEEN /bɪn/
Where have you been?
BEAR /bɛɹ/ (supporter)
I can't bear this anymore!
BORE /bɔɹ/
I let him possess me. I bore it. But now he left me.
BORNE /bɔɹn/ ou BORN /bɔɹn/
I could not have borne losing you.
mais He was born on the Fourth of July.
BEAT /bit/ (battre)
I'm sure you'll beat the other team.
BEAT /bit/
I finally beat you at something.
BEATEN /'bit·ən/
Keep strong and remember, cancer can be beaten.
BECOME/bɪ'kəm/ (devenir)
His dream is to become a fireman.
BECAME /bɪ'keɪm/
It became my responsibility.
BECOME /bɪ'kəm/
And I'm proud to see the person you've become.
BEGIN/bɪ'ɡɪn/ (commencer)
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.
BEGAN /bɪ'ɡæn/
She began experiencing some pain and discomfort at work.
I have begun preparations for training.
BEND /bɛnd/ (plier)
Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?
BENT /bɛnt/
He finally bent to my wishes.
BENT /bɛnt/
Well, I see you've bent the men to your will.
BET /bɛt/ (parier)
I bet she barely remembers me.
BET /bɛt/
He bet a fortune on the game.
BET /bɛt/
I've bet my whole fortune on this.
BID /bɪd/ (faire une offre)
For this masterpiece, I bid $1,000.
BID /bɪd/
You bought or bid an item from them.
BID /bɪd/
He shouldn't have bid on that item. What is he gonna do with it?
BIND /baɪnd/ (attacher)
The bill does not bind the government to specific measures.
BOUND /baʊnd/
You bound me because you wanted my love just as you want everyone else's love.
BOUND /baʊnd/
Prevention and care are inextricably bound.
BITE /baɪt/ (mordre)
You can pet the dog. Don't worry, he doesn't bite.
BIT /bɪt/
He bit his lip or something.
BITTEN /ˈbɪt·ən/
Am I the only one getting bitten by mosquitoes?
BLEED /bɫid/ (saigner)
Oh my God! What happened? You're bleeding.
BLED /bɫɛd/ The poor bastard bled to death. BLED /bɫɛd/ You told me your people had bled enough.
BLOW /bɫoʊ/ (souffler)
He's blowing a balloon.
BLEW /bɫu/
He really blew a fuse about his car.
BLOWN /bɫoʊn/
The wind has blown very strongly all day !
BREAK /bɹeɪk/ (casser)
How did you break your wrist?
BROKE /bɹoʊk/
You knocked out four teeth and broke his nose.
BROKEN /'bɹoʊk·ən/
Have you ever broken a bone?
BREED /bɹid/ (élever)
They own a farm and breed a few animals there.
BRED /bɹɛd/
Government probably bred those creatures to kill monsters.
BRED /bɹɛd/
You were bred to be a soldier, a general, a leader of men.
BRING /bɹɪŋ/ (apporter)
Would you like me to bring something?
BROUGHT /bɹɔt/
I brought you flowers.
BROUGHT /bɹɔt/
Court proceedings were brought against him in this regard.
BROADCAST /ˈbɹɔd·kæst/ (diffuser)
It is not authorized to broadcast news.
BROADCAST /ˈbɹɔd·kæst/
Last time we broadcast something, he was listening.
BROADCAST /ˈbɹɔd·kæst/
These images were broadcast all over the world.
BUILD /bɪɫd/ (construire)
They're building a new stadium.
BUILT /bɪɫt/
This is the wardrobe I built for you a decade ago.
BUILT /bɪɫt/
This historic building was built in 1877.
BURN /bɝn/ (brûler)
What's that smell? I think something's burning.
BURNED /bɝnd/
He burned half a bank note to show how much of his income was left after taxes.
BURNED /bɝnd/
I'm drilling this material until it's burned into my brain!
BURST /bɝst/ (éclater)
I feel like my head might burst.
BURST /bɝst/
She burst into tears as soon as she heard the news.
BURST /bɝst/
A water pipe must have burst.
BUY /baɪ/ (acheter)
If I were a billionaire, I'd buy an island.
BOUGHT /bɑt/
I bought him some shoes yesterday.
BOUGHT /bɑt/
I've bought the present but I don't have a girlfriend to send it to.

Verbes irréguliers en C, D et E

Liste compète des verbes irréguliers en anglais: Un chien qui conduit Conjugaison du verbe drive en anglais: Drive-Drove-Driven

Base verbale Prétérit Participe Passé
CAST /kæst/ (lancer)
Marcus, stop trying to cast spells.
CAST /kæst/
She also cast a spell on you -- for good luck.
CAST /kæst/
The financial crisis has cast a dark cloud over the global economy.
CATCH /kætʃ/ (attraper)
Look! The cat is going to catch the mouse.
CAUGHT /kɑt/
His parents caught him rolling a joint.
CAUGHT /kɑt/
But his friend and long-time organizer was caught red-handed.
CHOOSE /tʃuz/ (choisir)
Why did you choose to attend college?
CHOSE /tʃoʊz/
That day, I chose not to be a victim.
CHOSEN /ˈtʃoʊs·ən/
Again, the government has chosen to bypass this issue.
CLING /kɫɪŋ/ (s'agripper)
Don't cling to the past.
CLUNG /kɫəŋ/
He clung to the hope that he would see her again someday.
CLUNG /kɫəŋ/
Maybe I like being clung to people.
COME /kəm/ (venir)
Come here. Time for a hug!
CAME /keɪm/
They came with some specific program changes.
COME /kəm/
We had so much fun! You should have come with us.
COST /kɑst/ (coûter)
It's going to cost a lot of money.
COST /kɑst/
It cost 1.7 million dollars to develop.
COST /kɑst/
Your lack of judgment has cost this company millions.
CREEP /kɹip/ (ramper)
Would you creep in and take a look?
CREPT /kɹɛpt/
This creature crept into our most secret meetings.
CREPT /kɹɛpt/
Some of these ideas have crept into conventional medicine.
CUT /kət/ (couper)
I cut one side, you the other.
CUT /kət/
I cut myself shaving this morning.
CUT /kət/
Will the grass be cut this weekend?
DEAL /diɫ/ (gérer)
He deals with those kinds of problems all the time.
DEALT /dɛɫt/
Philip dealt with their case concerning the last mortgage.
DEALT /dɛɫt/
The government has simply not dealt effectively with this issue.
DIG /dɪɡ/ (creuser)
He's digging a hole.
DUG /dəɡ/
He dug his own grave when he did that.
DUG /dəɡ/
I've dug enough for now, I'm so thirsty!
DO /du/ (faire)
How do I get to school from here?
DID /dɪd/
He created a website. He did it himself.
DONE /dən/
Then maybe I'm done talking.
DRAW /drɔ/ (dessiner) She waxes her eyebrows then draws them with makeup. DREW /dru/ This looks like a kid drew it. DRAWN /drɔn/ It's really well drawn, like a photo.
DREAM /dɹim/ (rêver) Pinch me, I must be dreaming. DREAMED /dɹimd/ This is even better than I dreamed. DREAMED /dɹimd/ I've always dreamed of a life at sea.
DRINK /dɹɪŋk/ (boire) I drink a lot of water when I get up. DRANK /dɹæŋk/ I drank milk that tasted funny. DRUNK /dɹəŋk/ She can't possibly have drunk the whole bottle on her own!
DRIVE /dɹaɪv/ (conduire)
He drives a white car.
DROVE /dɹoʊv/
He drove carelessly and had an accident.
DRIVEN /'dɹɪv·ən/
I have driven that highway many times.
EAT /it/ (manger)
What do you wanna eat?
ATE /eɪt/
Everything he ate made him sick.
EATEN /'it·ən/
Was the fly eaten by the frog?

Verbes irréguliers en F et G

Liste compète des verbes irréguliers en anglais: illustration pour to grow Conjugaison du verbe grow: Grow-Grew-Grown

Base verbale Prétérit Participe Passé
FALL /fɑɫ/ (tomber)
I wanna fall in love… with you
FELL /fɛl/
Apparently the wall fell in Berlin.
FALLEN /'fɑɫ·ən/
Their real income has catastrophically fallen.
FEED /fid/ (nourrir)
She's going to feed the dog.
FED /fɛd/
They fed the poor, protected orphans and sheltered the aged.
FED /fɛd/
Chickens are now fed organic feed.
FEEL /fiɫ/ (ressentir)
If I drink green tea, I feel more relaxed.
FELT /fɛɫt/
She felt useful helping and looking after the clients.
FELT /fɛɫt/
I've felt pretty alone since moving here.
FIGHT /faɪt/
(se battre)
You need to fight for your dream.
FOUGHT /fɔt/
My father fought for this country.
FOUGHT /fɔt/
Mankind has fought against many diseases.
FIND /faɪnd/ (trouver)
I'll do it when I find the time.
FOUND /faʊnd/
But, I personally found it wonderful.
FOUND /faʊnd/
Looks like you've finally found a worthy opponent.
FLEE /fɫi/ (fuir)
They left the country to flee the war.
FLED /fɫɛd/
The robber took some $230 from the register and fled.
FLED /fɫɛd/
Insurgents have fled across the border.
FLING /fɫɪŋ/ (lancer)
I don't have an urge to fling my waste.
FLUNG /fɫəŋ/
I flung it into the sea.
FLUNG /fɫəŋ/
He had been flung to the ground during the fight.
FLY /fɫaɪ/ (voler en l'air)
I wish I could fly.
FLEW /fɫu/
They flew around me like specters.
FLOWN /fɫoʊn/
We've flown over that side of the island.
FORBID /fɝˈbɪd/ (interdire)
You forbid it? You can't forbid it. You can't forbid me anything.
FORBAD /fɝˈbæd/ ou FORBADE /fɝˈbeɪd/
I forbad the kids to play on the lawn.
FORBIDDEN /fɔɹˈbəd·ən/
Everything that is not specifically forbidden is allowed.
FORGET/fɚ'ɡɛt/ (oublier)
I keep forgetting that word.
FORGOT /fɚ'ɡɑt/
Wait. I forgot what I was saying.
FORGOTTEN /fɚ'ɡɑt·ən/
His brother hasn't forgotten either about the upcoming trip to America.
FORGIVE /fɝˈɡɪv/ (pardonner)
Come on, you have to forgive me!
FORGAVE /fɝˈɡeɪv/
She already forgave you a long time ago.
FORGIVEN /fɝˈgɪv·ən/
Everything we've done is forgiven.
FREEZE /fɹiz/ (givrer)
In these temperatures it could freeze in seconds.
FROZE /fɹoʊz/
I froze the food.
FROZEN /ˈfɹoʊz·ən/
The lake was frozen and so we went ice skating on it.
GET /ɡɛt/ (obtenir)
Each player gets six cards.
GOT /ɡɑt/
Cat got your tongue? You're so quiet tonight.
GOT /ɡɑt/; GOTTEN /ɡɑtn/
I have also got hardcore evidence.
GIVE /ɡɪv/ (donner)
Can I give you a piece of advice?
GAVE /ɡeɪv/
He gave 10% of everything he earned to charity.
GIVEN /'ɡɪv·ən/
Perhaps judges must be given instructions.
GO /ɡoʊ/ (aller)
I'm going to the office.
WENT /wɛnt/
We went to a theme park last weekend.
GONE /ɡɔn/
He's probably gone for a walk.
GRIND /ɡraɪnd/ (moudre)
He grinds his own coffee.
GROUND /ɡraʊnd/
We ground fresh beans to make our coffee.
GROUND /ɡraʊnd/
The natural product is finely ground.
GROW /ɡɹoʊ/ (grandir)
What do you want to do when you grow up?
GREW /ɡɹu/
Nothing grew there but wild lavender.
GROWN /ɡɹoʊn/
But you've grown so much these last five years.

Verbes irréguliers de H à L

Base verbale Prétérit Participe Passé
HANG /hæŋ/ (pendre)
She needs a place to hang her hat.
HUNG /həŋ/
Two more traitors arrested – and hung.
HUNG /həŋ/
I've hung a lantern out for you.
HAVE /hæv/ (avoir)
I have a lot of ideas.
HAD /hæd/
She had a very happy childhood.
HAD /hæd/
They've had their puppy for a few weeks now.
HEAR /hɪɹ/ (entendre)
I'm sorry to hear it.
HEARD /hɝd/
I heard some very disturbing news.
HEARD /hɝd/
This is the most awkward question I've heard so far.
HIDE /haɪd/ (cacher)
I'm so excited. And I just can't hide it.
HID /hɪd/
Wah! What the hell? Who hid a skeleton in there?
HIDDEN /'hɪd·ən/
I'll never tell anyone where I've hidden the treasure.
HIT /hɪt/ (taper)
Hit the brakes! You're gonna hit that car!
HIT /hɪt/
A big wave hit him and he lost his swimsuit.
HIT /hɪt/
He was hit by a car.
HOLD /hoʊɫd/ (tenir)
They're holding hands.
HELD /hɛɫd/
I held very similar public meetings on this subject.
HELD /hɛɫd/
I've held this position for a decade.
HURT /hɝt/ (blesser)
My left foot hurts.
HURT /hɝt/
He hurt himself pretty badly.
HURT /hɝt/
I've hurt all my friends and family with my addiction.
KEEP /kip/ (garder)
Can you keep a secret?
KEPT /kɛpt/
He kept the secret for years.
KEPT /kɛpt/
Quebec has always kept tuition fees low.
KNEEL /niɫ/ (se mettre à genoux)
I want to kneel to my king.
KNELT /nɛɫt/
She knelt beside him and asked him what his name was.
KNELT /nɛɫt/
They've knelt outside for 5 days.
KNOW /noʊ/ (connaître)
Do you know what the worst part is?
KNEW /nju/
He probably knew every bartender in town.
KNOWN /noʊn/
I should have known she was behind this!
LAY /ɫeɪ/ (poser)
I'm going to lay on the bed for a bit.
LAID /ɫeɪd/
You know, I never trusted you, from the second I laid my eyes on you.
LAID /ɫeɪd/
He has never actually laid eyes on her.
LEAD /ɫid/ (diriger)
All leaders should lead by example.
LED /ɫɛd/
It led to the appropriate investments.
LED /ɫɛd/
Economic growth has led to increasing demand.
LEAN /ɫin/ (pencher)
All you do is lean forward and kiss, like this: Mwah !
LEANED /ɫind/
I leaned down to see if he was alright.
LEANED /ɫind/
He could have leaned out of the window.
LEAP /ɫip/ (faire un saut)
He's stepped back, the better to leap forward.
LEAPED /ɫipd/
Pooh leaped out of bed and greeted the day with much enthusiasm.
LEAPED /ɫipd/
I would have leaped at the chance.
LEARN /ɫɝn/ (apprendre)
I love to learn new things!
LEARNED /ɫɝnd/
I learned some English in school but it's just school, you know?
LEARNED /ɫɝnd/
Alright, what have we learned so far?
LEAVE /ɫiv/ (quitter)
Nobody leaves till we find it.
LEFT /ɫɛft/
Someone left a package for you.
LEFT /ɫɛft/
She hasn't left her room since you came back.
LEND /ɫɛnd/ (prêter)
I heard he'll be lending them some money.
LENT /ɫɛnt/
This is the man who lent us money.
LENT /ɫɛnt/
I would have lent you some money.
LET /ɫɛt/ (laisser)
Hmm… Let me think.
LET /ɫɛt/
She actually let us finish the whole meal.
LET /ɫɛt/
I've let this situation get completely out of hand.
LIE /ɫaɪ/ (s'allonger)
I'm gonna lie down in the hammock and take a nap now.
LAY /ɫeɪ/
Yesterday, I lay there thinking about what I had to do.
LAIN /ɫeɪn/
Joseph, you know I have never lain with a man.
LIGHT /ɫaɪt/ (éclairer)
They light candles and put on some relaxing music.
LIT /ɫɪt/
I lit it exactly the way Bob would have.
LIT /ɫɪt/
The park is brightly lit.
LOSE /luz/ (perdre)
You may wanna lose some weight before the wedding.
LOST /ɫɔst/
Her kid lost a tooth today.
LOST /ɫɔst/
We have lost, but not the war.

Verbes irréguliers de M à R

Vous n'en avez pas marre ? Courage, voyons les verbes de M à R !

Base verbale Prétérit Participe Passé
MAKE /meɪk/ (fabriquer)
Make love, not war.
MADE /meɪd/
Whoever made the appointment made a mistake.
MADE /meɪd/
He may have made a mistake.
MEAN /min/ (vouloir dire)
Do you know what I mean?
MEANT /mɛnt/
But for me it meant absolutely nothing.
MEANT /mɛnt/
These decisions have meant taking special precautionary measures.
MEET /mit/ (rencontrer)
Would you like to meet before class?
MET /mɛt/
She's dating that guy she met at the club.
MET /mɛt/
You might have met his cousin, I think. I'm not sure.
PAY /peɪ/ (payer)
How much did you pay for your ticket? - 375 euros.
PAID /peɪd/
He paid twenty-four grand for his car.
PAID /peɪd/
We have paid a terrible price.
PUT /pʊt/ (mettre)
Just put it on the table.
PUT /pʊt/
He put his heart and soul into this project.
PUT /pʊt/
You must have put it in your bag by accident.
QUIT /kwɪt/ (quitter)
If I were not in debt, I'd quit my job.
QUIT /kwɪt/
I quit working for him yesterday.
QUIT /kwɪt/
You shouldn't have quit racing.
READ /ɹid/ (lire)
Can you read what's written on this label?
READ /ɹɛd/
She read a lot of fairy tales when she was a kid.
READ /ɹɛd/
I have never read such beautiful letters.
RENT /ɹɛnt/ (louer)
It was in 1991. He had just opened a store to rent DVDs.
RENT /ɹɛnt/
I rent a foldout couch from a very nice lady.
RENT /ɹɛnt/
It's not like I have rent a car for 3 weeks!
RID /ɹɪd/ (débarrasser de)
Let’s just do whatever necessary to rid us of this problem.
RID /ɹɪd/
I just rid the town of an unwanted nuisance.
RID /ɹɪd/
He's got a thick accent, and he's trying to get rid of it.
RIDE /ɹaɪd/ (aller en véhicule)
Do people ride their bikes on the road or on the sidewalk here?
RODE /ɹoʊd/
Guys, I rode my bike to get here.
RIDDEN /ˈɹɪd·ən/
I've never ridden a tricycle.
RING /ɹɪŋ/ (sonner)
Your phone's been ringing a few times.
RANG /ɹæŋ/
Just when I was about to fall asleep, someone rang the bell.
RUNG /ɹəŋ/
The phone has rung, like, 19 times.
RISE /ɹaɪz/ (monter)
The sun was rising -- it was beautiful.
ROSE /ɹoʊz/
As the sun rose, the stars faded away.
RISEN /ˈɹɪz·ən/
Food and energy prices in international markets had risen considerably.
RUN /ɹən/ (courir)
Run Forrest. Run!
RAN /ɹæn/
They ran to the bargaining table.
RUN /ɹən/
I feel as if I've run a marathon.

Verbes irréguliers en S

Eh oui, il y a tellement de verbes irréguliers en S, en anglais, que cette lettre mérite sa propre rubrique !

Base verbale Prétérit Participe Passé
SAY /seɪ/ (dire)
I'd like to say thank you.
SAID /sɛd/
You said yourself that he already has doubt.
SAID /sɛd/
We must have said something wrong.
SEE /si/ (voir)
I'm glad to see you!
SAW /sɔ/
As soon as he saw her, he ran in the opposite direction!
SEEN /sin/
It has seen the most substantive growth.
SEEK /sik/ (rechercher)
Given all his problems, maybe he should seek professional help.
SOUGHT /sɔt/
We sought and achieved a solution that supports common security objectives.
SOUGHT /sɔt/
Farms have sought economies of scale by growing bigger.
SELL /sɛɫ/ (vendre)
They don't sell a lot of stuff here.
SOLD /soʊɫd/
He sold all the gold he had.
SOLD /soʊɫd/
They've sold over 80 million albums worldwide.
SEND /sɛnd/ (envoyer)
I need to send an e-mail.
SENT /sɛnt/
I looked over the file you sent me.
SENT /sɛnt/
I've sent someone to help you get away.
SET /sɛt/ (régler)
Set your goals high! Aim for the stars!
SET /sɛt/
He set the table an hour ago.
SET /sɛt/
The oven temperature is set at 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
SEW /soʊ/ (coudre)
I'm sewing a button back on my shirt.
SEWED /soʊd/
I sewed the dress with silk thread.
SEWN /səʊn/
It's sewn inside my vest.
SHAKE /ʃeɪk/ (secouer)
I don't know if I should shake hands or kiss her hello.
SHOOK /ʃʊk/
An earthquake of magnitude 5 shook Tokyo.
SHAKEN /ˈʃeɪk·ən/
I have to admit my trust in them has been shaken.
SHED /ʃɛd/ (verser)
Say goodbye, shed a few tears.
SHED /ʃɛd/
Some blood shed on the collar, nothing serious.
SHED /ʃɛd/
I have shed blood for the truth!
SHINE /ʃaɪn/ (briller)
The sun would shine even brighter.
SHONE /ʃoʊn/
The sun shone through the trees.
SHONE /ʃoʊn/
And the sun has not shone since.
SHOOT /ʃut/ (tirer)
Must be tough to actually shoot somebody.
SHOT /ʃɑt/
I shot a shotgun at the firing range once.
SHOT /ʃɑt/
If he was shot here, you'd expect spatter.
SHOW /ʃoʊ/ (montrer)
That's the chart I wanted to show you.
SHOWED /ʃoʊd/
Today you showed me your weaknesses.
SHOWN /ʃoʊn/
You have shown excellent results shooting.
SHRINK /ɹɪŋk/ (rétrécir)
Don't do that, or else the laundry is going to shrink.
SHRANK /ʃɹæŋk/
My jeans shrank in the wash.
SHRUNK /ʃɹəŋk/
The world around us has shrunk with incredible speed.
SHUT /ʃət/ (fermer)
Keep your mouth shut!
SHUT /ʃət/
They finally shut up!
SHUT /ʃət/
The underground's been shut indefinitely.
SING /sɪŋ/ (chanter)
I'm going to sing on stage for the first time!
SANG /sæŋ/
He sang beautifully… played different instruments and loved poetry.
SUNG /səŋ/
You could've sung him that song.
SINK /sɪŋk/ (couler)
Our ship is sinking!
SANK /sæŋk/
They destroyed all the houses and sank the boats.
SUNK /səŋk/
He's sunk $5,000 into this.
SIT /sɪt/ (être assis)
Let's sit in the center.
SAT /sæt/
Yesterday we sat together, not even speaking.
SAT /sæt/
I've sat in this kitchen a hundred times.
SLEEP /sɫip/ (dormir)
Do you mind if she sleeps here tonight?
SLEPT /sɫɛpt/
Aaahhh! I slept like a baby!
SLEPT /sɫɛpt/
Personally, I really enjoyed it. I hadn't slept like that since kindergarten.
SLIDE /sɫaɪd/ (faire glisser)
Now just let your fingers slide through the tortilla.
SLID /sɫɪd/
Dean slid behind the wheel of his beloved Impala.
SLID /sɫɪd/
This was slid under my apartment door.
SMELL /smɛɫ/ (sentir)
Yum, yum! This smells really good! Can I have a slice?
SMELLED /smɛɫd/
I can't remember a time I smelled something so delicious!
SMELLED /smɛɫd/
Jeff has smelled gas this morning.
SOW /soʊ/ (semer)
You reap what you sow.
SOWED /soʊd/
The farmer sowed his field with wheat.
SOWN /soʊn/
Several hectares were sown with potatoes.
SPEAK /spik/ (parler)
I wanna speak good English.
SPOKE /spoʊk/
What was the name of the person you spoke to?
SPOKEN /'spoʊk·ən/
I've spoken with my overseas representatives.

Liste compète des verbes irréguliers en anglais. Illustration du verbe to slide Conjugaison du verbe slide: Slide-Slid-Slid

Base verbale Prétérit Participe Passé
SPEED /spid/ (accélérer)
Group clothes according to fabric type to speed drying.
SPED /spɛd/
A motorcycle sped toward me, out of control.
SPED /spɛd/
If you really cared, you wouldn't have sped off.
SPELL /spɛɫ/ (épeler)
How do you spell that?
SPELLED /spɛɫd/
I even spelled it three different ways.
SPELLED /spɛɫd/
It is spelled differently from the word colonel.
SPEND /spɛnd/ (dépenser)
I spend a lot of money on my car.
SPENT /spɛnt/
We spent an hour and a half cleaning everything.
SPENT /spɛnt/
They have spent millions of dollars conducting scientific tests.
SPILL /spɪɫ/ (renverser)
The floor is sticky! Did you spill some soda again?
SPILLED /spɪɫd/
You just spilled more on me.
SPILLED /spɪɫd/
Look at how much milk you've spilled.
SPIN /spɪn/ (faire tourner ; filer (du tissu))
My head is spinning!
SPUN /spən/
The car spun out of control.
SPUN /spən/
You've spun your last web, Spider-Man!
SPIT /spɪt/ (cracher)
Don't spit. It's disgusting.
SPAT /spæt/
She spat in my face!
SPAT /spæt/
You have spat in the face of my hard work.
SPLIT /spɫɪt/ (fractionner)
Let's split into two groups.
SPLIT /spɫɪt/
We split the bill yesterday, too.
SPLIT /spɫɪt/
The main question can be split into two parts.
SPOIL /spɔɪɫ/ (gâcher)
Ground meat can spoil very quickly.
SPOILED /spɔɪɫd/
You spoiled the movie for me!
SPOILED /spɔɪɫd/
They've spoiled their kids and now they have no authority.
SPREAD /spɹɛd/ (répandre)
Doesn't talking about terrorism all day every day actually spread terror?
SPREAD /spɹɛd/
The bird spread its wings and flew away.
SPREAD /spɹɛd/
The disease has spread all over the world.
SPRING /spɹɪŋ/ (jaillir)
Make water spring from the Earth.
SPRANG /spɹæŋ/
And then from the Christmas tree sprang a yellow angel.
SPRUNG /spɹəŋ/
A plan has sprung to my mind.
STAND /stænd/ (se tenir)
Everyone, please stand up.
STOOD /stʊd/
He stood there for a while eating an ice cream.
STOOD /stʊd/
I've stood where they stand.
STEAL /stiɫ/ (voler)
It's to make sure his roommates don't steal food from him.
STOLE /ˈstoʊɫ/
It was them who stole the computer…
STOLEN /ˈstoʊɫ·ən/
The crown's been stolen!
STICK /stɪk/ (coller)
She is sticking a picture on the bathroom door.
STUCK /stək/
She stuck with it and now she's fluent in English.
STUCK /stək/
You're stuck at work? That's a bummer.
STING /stɪŋ/ (piquer)
I float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!
STUNG /stəŋ/
It just stung, then I forgot it.
STUNG /stəŋ/
He was stung by a bee and had an allergic reaction.
STINK /stɪŋk/ (puer)
It stinks in the kitchen.
STANK /stæŋk/
You stank like a dirty bag of wet washing.
STUNK /stəŋk/
But even it had stunk, we still would have been there!
STRIKE /straɪk/ (frapper)
We must strike while the iron is hot.
STRUCK /strək/
Looks like our man struck again.
STRUCK /strək/
A great tragedy has struck Central America.
STRIVE /stɹaɪv/ (aspirer à)
Better strive for something more hopeful.
STROVE /stɹoʊv/
All parties strove to bring the process to a successful conclusion.
STRIVEN /ˈstɹɪv·ən/
The Council has also striven to work with greater transparency.
SWEAR /swɛɹ/ (jurer)
I swear I didn't know about it.
SWORE /swɝ/
From today, he swore to be an honest person.
SWORN /swɔɹn/
Three of your lieutenants have already sworn allegiance to me.
SWEEP /swip/ (balayer)
I'm gonna sweep the floor.
SWEPT /swɛpt/
Instead we swept under the carpet.
SWEPT /swɛpt/
Sand is swept over the wood to fill voids and cracks.
SWELL /swɛɫ/ (enfler)
That flight made my ankles swell.
SWELLED /swɛɫd/
My face swelled up to the size of a pumpkin.
SWOLLEN /ˈswoʊɫ·ən/
And his left cheek is swollen.
SWIM /swɪm/ (nager)
I'd like to swim more often, but I need to buy a new swimsuit first.
SWAM /swæm/
I went lower down and swam the river.
SWUM /swəm/
I've swum here every summer of my adult life.
SWING /swɪŋ/ (se balancer)
I could swing with you forever like this.
SWUNG /swəŋ/
I just swung from a tree.
SWUNG /swəŋ/
Things have swung our way again.

Verbes irréguliers de T à Z

On approche de la fin ! Voyez-vous encore la lumière au bout du tunnel des verbes irréguliers ?

Base verbale Prétérit Participe Passé
TAKE /teɪk/ (prendre)
Do you take sugar with your coffee?
TOOK /tʊk/
We took hundreds of photos and samples.
TAKEN /'teɪk·ən/
It had taken us a long time to realize that.
TEACH /titʃ/ (enseigner)
How do you teach a dog to give his paw?
TAUGHT /tɔt/
He taught me practically everything I know!
TAUGHT /tɔt/
Life has taught me that there always exists a choice.
TEAR /tɛɹ/ (déchirer)
You can tear the paper, but I remember everything.
TORE /tɔɹ/
She tore up the contract and threw it in the garbage.
TORN /tɔɹn/
I'm kind of torn between two opportunities.
TELL /tɛɫ/ (raconter)
It's a secret and I can't tell you!
TOLD /təʊld/
I just don't think he told you the truth.
TOLD /təʊld/
I've told you money's tight.
THINK /θɪŋk/ (penser)
I think we have a real chance to win.
I thought you cared about the environment.
So… Have you thought about it?
THROW /θɹoʊ/ (jeter)
I had to throw the food away. It was rotten.
THREW /θɹu/
The bride threw her bouquet on his face.
THROWN /θɹoʊn/
They were thrown into the Seine.
TREAD /tɹɛd/ (fouler le sol)
Now I need to tread really carefully here, do you understand?
TROD /tɹɑd/
That's the path in which they trod last night.
TRODDEN /ˈtɹɑd·ən/
Look at the road I've trodden.
UNDERSTAND /ˌən·dɝˈstænd/ (comprendre)
Wait, I'm not sure I understand.
UNDERSTOOD /ˌən·dɝˈstʊd/
I never understood people who wear sandals with socks.
UNDERSTOOD /ˌən·dɝˈstʊd/
Women have always understood how precious life is.
WAKE /weɪk/ (réveiller)
You must be careful not to wake up the baby.
WOKE /woʊk/
I woke up at 7 a.m. and got up right away.
WOKEN /ˈwoʊk·ən/
I was woken up at three in the morning by loud neighbors.
WEAR /wɛɹ/
(porter un vêtement)
I need something to wear for work.
WORE /wɔɹ/
His daddy wore alligator teeth around his neck and had all these tattoos.
WORN /wɔɹn/
This necklace was worn by Princess Luva.
WEEP /wip/ (sangloter)
You've made her weep a lot !
WEPT /wɛpt/
He stood in court and wept like a lost child.
WEPT /wɛpt/
Yes, I have wept, my lord.
WIN /wɪn/ (gagner)
If he wins this match, I bet he'll win the whole competition, too.
WON /wən/
He won the silver medal at the Summer Olympics.
WON /wən/
Madame Jean has won numerous honors for her professional achievements.
WRITE /ɹaɪt/ (écrire)
Wait, wait, wait. Let me write it down.
WROTE /ɹoʊt/
He took a napkin and wrote her phone number before he would forget it!
WRITTEN /'ɹɪt·ən/
That sentence was written by a lawyer.

Je vous vois venir : « 145 verbes irréguliers, ce n'est pas la liste complète de tous les verbes irréguliers anglais !…».

En effet, ce que j'appelle « liste complète », ici, c'est une liste formée de tous les verbes irréguliers suffisamment courants dans la langue contemporaine pour que l'on veuille y prêter attention.

D'après la base de données, il existerait exactement 638 verbes irréguliers en anglais (une liste qui semble interminable, à en faire des cauchemars la nuit !) et qui serait d'un intérêt pédagogique très limité. Parce que :

  • D'après cette même liste, 116 verbes, soit 18% des verbes irréguliers, sont très peu utilisés, voire archaïques !
  • Une grande majorité de ces verbes se forme à partir d'une racine commune (voir plus bas). Autrement dit, si vous connaissez notre liste ci-dessus, vous savez déjà les conjuguer.

Ce qui veut dire qu'avec les 145 verbes irréguliers de notre liste, vous maîtrisez la conjugaison de tout les verbes que vous devez connaître ! Cool, n'est-ce pas ?

Après une telle comparaison, on est ravi de revenir à seulement 145 verbes, mais il faut les apprendre maintenant.

Une astuce bonus

En parallèle des techniques pour apprendre les verbes irréguliers anglais données plus tôt, je voudrais vous proposer une nouvelle astuce qui donnera du sens à l'apprentissage des verbes irréguliers anglais – ou, en tout cas, un moyen pour pouvoir les reconnaître, puis les retenir.

En effet, une stratégie pour apprendre les verbes irréguliers en anglais, c'est d'être capable de les reconnaître, puis à force de les avoir lus et entendus plusieurs fois, cela deviendra un automatisme quand il s'agira de les utiliser.

Tout est question de forme et d'écoute

Les verbes irréguliers sont, le plus souvent, courts (1 syllabe). C'est une chance pour nous, car cela facilite la mémorisation ET permet de mieux les repérer lorsqu'on lit quelque chose (ou que l'on écoute quelqu'un).

En outre, ils peuvent se retrouver au sein d'autres verbes qui seront, par principe, eux-mêmes irréguliers :

Exemple : les verbes irréguliers Give et Take :

  • Give --> Forgive - Misgive - Overgive
  • Take --> Betake - Intake - Mistake - Overtake - Partake - Retake - Undertake

Ce sont les fameux racines communes dont nous vous parlions plus tôt.

Observez bien cela et vous retiendrez de mieux en mieux.

Plusieurs terminaisons

ATTENTION : Pour une courte série de verbes, qui peuvent être réguliers ou irréguliers, plusieurs terminaisons sont possibles.

Base verbale Prétérit Participe Passé
BURN /bɝn/
BURNED /bɝnd/
BURNT /bɝnt/
BURNED /bɝnd/
BURNT /bɝnt/
BROADCAST /ˈbɹɔd·kæst/
BROADCAST /ˈbɹɔd·kæst/
BROADCASTED /ˈbɹɔd·kæst·əd/ (rare)
BROADCAST /ˈbɹɔd·kæst/
BROADCASTED /ˈbɹɔd·kæst·əd/ (rare)
DREAM /dɹim/
DREAMED /dɹimd/
DREAMT /dɹɛmt/
DREAMED /dɹimd/
DREAMT /dɹɛmt/
GET /ɡɛt/
GOT /ɡɑt/ GOT /ɡɑt/
GOTTEN /'ɡɑt·ən/
LEAN /ɫin/
LEANED /ɫind/
LEANT /ɫɛnt/
LEANED /ɫind/
LEANT /ɫɛnt/
LEAP /ɫip/
(faire un saut)
LEAPED /ɫipt/
LEAPT /ɫɛpt/
LEAPED /ɫipt/
LEAPT /ɫɛpt/
LEARN /ɫɝn/
LEARNED /'ɫɝnd/
LEARNT /ɫɝnt/
LEARNED /'ɫɝnd/
LEARNT /ɫɝnt/
LIGHT /ɫaɪt/
LIT /ɫɪt/
LIGHTED /ˈɫaɪt·ɪd/
LIT /ɫɪt/
LIGHTED /ˈɫaɪt·ɪd/
SAW /sɔ/
SAWED /sɔd/ SAWED /sɔd/
SAWN /sɔn/
SHAVE /ʃeɪv/
SHAVED /ʃeɪvd/ SHAVED /ʃeɪvd/
SHAVEN /ˈʃeɪv·ən/
SMELL /smel/
SMELLED /smeld/
SMELT /smelt/
SMELLED /smeld/
SMELT /smelt/
SOW /soʊ/
SOWED /soʊd/ SOWN/soʊn/
SOWED /soʊd/
SPELL /spɛɫ/
SPELLED /spɛɫd/
SPELT /spɛɫt/
SPELLED /spɛɫd/
SPELT /spɛɫt/
SPILL /spɪɫ/
SPILLED /spɪɫd/
SPILT /spɪɫt/
SPILLED /spɪɫd/
SPILT /spɪɫt/
SPOIL /spɔɪɫ/
SPOILED /spɔɪɫd/
SPOILT /spɔɪɫt/
SPOILED /spɔɪɫd/
SPOILT /spɔɪɫt/
WAKE /weɪk/
WOKE /woʊk/
WAKED /weɪkt/
WOKEN /ˈwoʊk.ən/
WAKED /weɪkt/

Deux explications possibles :

  • Soit de vieilles formes grammaticales pour certains verbes anglais ont été sauvegardées (pas d'autres choix que de faire avec) ;
  • Soit certaines terminaisons varient selon le dialecte anglais utilisé (anglais britannique ou américain).

Pour la seconde explication, qui restent très commune, rappelez-vous :

  • Terminaison en -T: terminaison généralement préférée en anglais britannique et dans les anciens pays du Commonwealth ;
  • Terminaison en -ED = terminaison généralement préférée en anglais américain.

Mais ce n'est pas une règle stricte (certaines Américains préfèrent la forme britannique, et vice-versa ; selon les préférences individuelles ou selon le contexte). La tendance est cependant (sans doute sous l'influence de l'anglais américain) à utiliser la terminaison en -ed partout.

En cas de doute, vérifiez sur où vous trouverez des notes sur l'usage de chaque verbe. Exemple pour leapt/leaped: "leapt is used 80% of the time in UK and 32% in the US".


Ce travail de reconnaissance, à partir de la liste complète des verbes irréguliers en anglais, peut rester simple :

  • Lire les verbes et les écouter pour s'y habituer ;
  • Sentir à quoi correspond chaque forme du verbe ;
  • Pratiquer les stratégies présentées auparavant pour les verbes qui sont inconnus pour vous.

Vous ne pouvez pas apprendre toute cette liste d'un coup mais vous pouvez commencer à vous habituer à tous ces verbes.

Ensuite, avec de la pratique, ces formes deviendront de plus en plus familières jusqu'à ce qu'elles deviennent automatiques et que vous ne puissiez plus imaginer dire autre chose que la forme correcte !

Faites-nous confiance (nous sommes passés par là) : à force de travail régulier, on s'y fait très bien.

Suivez les principes discutés dans l'article Comment apprendre les verbes irréguliers pour vous accompagner dans votre conquête des verbes irréguliers.

Voir aussi

Sur les verbes irréguliers en anglais, voyez :

Pour maîtriser les verbes en anglais (verbes irréguliers, temps, conjugaisons), vous serez intéressé(e) par :

  • Click & Speak™ : si retenir à partir d'une liste vous écœure dès le départ et que vous voulez apprendre l'anglais à partir de contenus authentiques et d'une méthode prête à l'emploi, où il suffit de cliquer pour apprendre à parler, alors regardez la formation d'anglais Click & Speak™.
  • Guide des temps en anglais : un cours d'anglais sur les caractéristiques et l'utilisation de tous les temps en anglais. Super complet !
  • Prétérit ou Présent Perfect : un très bon article technique qui vous guidera plus en détail sur l'utilisation du prétérit et du participe passé avec le Present Perfect.
  • Comment améliorer votre compréhension de l'anglais oral : vous comprenez à l'écrit mais pas à l'oral en anglais ? Un tel blocage empêche de se sentir à l'aise lorsque l'on discute en anglais. Cet article va vous aider à vous débloquer.
Sébastien Milhomme
Tags : Phonograph.
Publié dans Grammaire anglaise, le

Commentaires sur Liste complète des verbes irréguliers en anglais

2 commentaires à date. Keep it up. 👏.
Illustration pour Mélanie Blier
Mélanie Blier

Allo! Il semble avoir une erreur de frappe avec le verbe DIG... au niveau de son prétérit et au participe passée... Il devrait être inscrit DUG.... n'est-ce pas ?

Illustration pour Dimitar Dimitrov
Dimitar Dimitrov

Bonjour Mélanie ! Vous avez raison, il y avait une erreur que je viens de corriger. Merci beaucoup de nous l'avoir signalé ! :)

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