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Des contenus pour pratiquer notre anglais

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Hello there Cher lecteur,

What to practice your English with? Especially when you do not live (yet) in an English-speaking country, how can you do? Here are some leads.

We will also mention one of the BEST ways to improve your English, ever... AUDIO BOOKS. When you already understand written English, audio books really are the next step to test yourself, enhance your listening skills and improve your English accent.


C'est la première fois que je vous écris.
Je m'appelle Andrianina, et j'aimerais savoir si vous connaissez quelques sites anglais (chansons, poèmes, livres...) vous voyez ce que je veux dire par là, cela m'aiderai beaucoup. En fait, écouter et lire ne me posent pas trop de problème en anglais mais c'est de s'exprimer qui assez contraignant alors est ce que vous pouvez m'aider. Merci.


Hello Andrianina,

To speak REALLY GOOD English, it is critical to practice everyday. Whatever we do every day becomes a habit, and habits are easy to perform. As such, I highly recommend finding things you love, that match your personality and interests. I give a lot of tips in my book, "Devenir bilingue en anglais", on what to do, where to find it, and how to do it more easily. So I highly recommend you get your copy of the book. (You can be reading it within minutes if you choose the e-book version.)

Here are a few leads to get you started:
- Lyrics sites. Those are really easy to find. Simply make sure you know the meaning of the songs you love and you will make some major progress in English.
- Poems cannot be that hard to find. Just look for "poetry" or "poems" on Google. I like the look of this site: PLEASE NOTE: poems may use odd ways to say things, for rhyming purposes or just because they are old. So go and have fun reading them but just remember that it is NOT spoken English. People do not talk like that in every day life. You will learn more about vocabulary and grammar thanks to them, though, so that's nice.
- Free books are easy to find. A lot of great books are now in the public domain. You can get those thanks to Project Gutenberg, whose job is to collect books now in the public domain and make them available for free. Their website is, however their website is not always so easy to browse. You might want to use a website like this one instead:

Let us note that old books do not reflect the way English is spoken nowadays, obviously. Nonetheless, books are still the best way to learn a LOT of vocabulary. Given English is NOT a phonetic language at all, please note that you should also practice LISTENING and SPEAKING English. (A phonetic language is one where you know how to write a word after hearing it for the first time and, vice-versa, how to pronounce it after seeing it in writing for the first time. Spanish, for example, is a phonetic language. English is not. French is not either. It means that French pronunciation, and, even more so, English pronunciation, include a LOT of exceptions. This is why learning about phonetics is a must when acquiring a new language.)

Now, those are merely some general guidelines, to find free material for free. Just remember to use Wikipedia, Amazon and the Internet as a whole to learn and read/listen/practice MORE about YOUR passions, in English. Try and learn to talk about what you do the most often in life.

Take care and have fun practicing!

P.S.: to express yourself more easily, you should be used to HEARING English (i.e.: hear English everyday). Now, a great way to do that is by listening to audio books every day.


Bonjour !
Connaissez-vous des sites web où je puisse lire et écouter des livres audio en anglais ?


Bonjour Caroline,

Je recommande fortement les livres éducatifs (développement personnel ou sujet spécifique) car ils amènent à réfléchir en anglais. Comme il s'agit de sujets récents, ils sont généralement payants (pour les obtenir légalement il faut alors se tourner vers iTunes ou Amazon).

Pour des centaines de classiques de la littérature, en anglais et en livre audio, on peut se tourner gratuitement et légalement vers ce site :

Bonne écoute!